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December 26, 2021
Sunday Worship 
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
Sunday Worship 
Deacon Derit Godwin, Sr, Praying
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December 19, 2021

Minister Travis Ephriam, Preaching
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December 12, 2021
Lady Daisy Cockerham, Preaching
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December 5, 2021
Sunday Worship 
Women's Ministry Devotional and Singing 
Pastor Cockerham  Preaching
November and December 2021 
Special Announcements and Agenda of Festivities

Sanctuary Cleanup
We'll work together to clean up the church on 11.29.2021 from 7:30am-12:00pm
A brunch is served after cleanup, our Culinary Team is posted to do this. All, please volunteer. 

New Church Monitor
Bro. Reggie Calhoun is contacting the necessary company and we hope
for it to be installed during the month of December.

Back in Sanctuary
We hope to be back in the sanctuary for our Sunday morning service 11:00am (remains at 10:00am until this date)
on the first Sunday in December- pending cleanup, etc. being fully completed by this date. 

Wednesday Night
Sunday School remains 5:00pm, but on Wednesday night 12.22.2021 during our Sunday School time,
we will have Fun, Games, and Festivities with snacks   

Choir and Ushers for our 11:00am services
All volunteer choir- people from various choirs come together to form one choir. 
All ushers, please volunteer and rotate, as we need at least 2 volunteers each Sunday.

Deacon/ Pastor Meeting will be on 11.30.2021 5:00pm
Church Conference is on 12.02.2021 6:00pm

Watchnight Service
There will be no formal Church-wide Watchnight Service for the transition into 2021.
Please stay close to your loved ones and be safe! 

Christmas Church Gathering Flyer.jpg
November 28, 2021

Bible Study Time: Sunday School Lesson  Audio Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Teaching 
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November 21, 2021
Bible Study Time: Sunday School Lesson  Audio Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Teaching 
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November 14, 2021
Sunday Worship  Video Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
November 7, 2021
Sunday Worship Video Excerpt
Minister Travis Ephraim, Sr, Preaching 
October 31, 2021
Announcements for November 

Remember that our Sunday services are held outside, at the Mt Tabor MBC Pavillion at 10:00am, until further notice. 

Our Bible Study time- 5:00pm, has been switched to our Sunday School lesson Study and review time- in the Fellowship Hall. We continue to use the Boyd Study Books at this time.  

Every month, the MT MBC has two meetings: 
on the next to last Thursday night at 6pm, we will have a Deacon and Pastor meeting. 

on the last Thursday night at 5pm, we will have a church-wide business meeting.
Full Service Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
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October 24, 2021
Bible Study Time: Sunday School Lesson  Video Excerpt
Minister Noris Calhoun, Teaching 
October 10, 2021

Please keep all of our bereaved families in your prayers at this special time. 

Remember that our Sunday services are held outside, at the Mt Tabor MBC Pavilion at 10:00am, until further notice. 

Our Bible Study time- 5:00pm, has been switched to our Sunday School lesson Study and review time- in the Fellowship Hall. We continue to use the Boyd Study Books at this time.  

Every month, the MT MBC has two meetings: 
-on the next to last Thursday night at 6pm, we will have a Deacon and Pastor meeting. 
-on the last Thursday night at 5pm, we will have a church-wide business meeting.

Fifth Sunday Congress 
October has five Sundays and the Second West Missionary Baptist Church Association will have service
on October 30th and 31st at the Second West Church Building. 

If you'd like to attend, see the flyer below for more information. 
Sunday Morning  Video Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
 Audio Excerpt
Minister Travis Ephriam, Sr, Preaching 
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September 22, 2021
Bible Study Time: Sunday School Lesson  Audio Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Teaching 
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September 15, 2021
Bible Study Time: Sunday School Lesson  Audio Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Teaching 
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September 12, 2021
Sunday Worship
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
September 5, 2021
Sunday Worship
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
September 1, 2021
Bible Study Time: Sunday School Lesson  Audio Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Teaching 
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Please keep all of our bereaved families- including the Hearns, Moody, Pittman, Baker, and Granberry families and others lifted during this special time. As a church family, we send them love!

Remember that our Sunday services are held outside, at the Mt Tabor MBC Pavillion at 10:00am, until further notice. 

Our Bible Study time- 5:00pm, has been switched to our Sunday School lesson Study and review time- in the Fellowship Hall. We continue to use the Boyd Study Books at this time.  

Every month, the MT MBC has two meetings: 
on the next to last Thursday night at 6pm, we will have a Deacon and Pastor meeting. 

on the last Thursday night at 5pm, we will have a church-wide business meeting.
August 15, 2021
Worship Service Audio Excerpt
Pastor Cockerham, Sr, Preaching 
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August 8, 2021
Worship Service Audio Excerpt
Minister Travis Ephriam Sr, Preaching 
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August 1, 2021
 July 11, 2021
 July 18, 2021
Worship Service Excerpt
Pastor Dwight Cockerham sharing the scripture, congregational/ track music, and then preaching
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From July 25 until further notice, our Worship Services will start at 10:00am, at our Pavilion across the street.   

Our Cemetery Committee is asked to meet on August 12th at 5:00 p.m. for a continued look at the Proposed Cemetery Policy.

The Smith College Seminary at 2nd West Campus is taking applications for taking applications for the Fall Semester 2021. Applications will be accepted from August the 9th through the entire month of August. Contact Pastor Cockerham or Dean Nelson Wilson for further information or applications!

The Monthly Deacon- Pastor meeting will be held on August 19th at 5:00 p.m. Our church general business meeting will be held on August 26th at 6:00 p.m.

The Pension Board Special Effort Day is August 14th at 10:00 a.m.. This event will be held virtually on the 2nd West Association's Facebook page. Presider for this term's meeting is Pastor Dwight Cockerham and the word from the Lord will be coming from Elder Nelson Wilson.

Special thanks to all who volunteered and who attended the Praise in the Park. It was a great time in the Lord. God allowed it to rain all around us during the event, and then after we completed it and got our food, we got plenty of rain.  To God be the Glory!

All Ministry Advisors, and the Presidents of our Choirs, Users, and Hospitality: On Thursday, July at 7pm, we will have our General Meeting to discuss where we are and where we are going with our Ministries. 

On Thursday, July 22, we will have our First Blue Springs Meeting at pm to discuss our efforts over at Blue Springs. All committee members and lay members are invited to attend this meeting.

This coming week is the time for our Second West Baptist Training Union. If you have a Facebook account, you can visit the Second West Facebook page to view the live services here.

There are services Thursday at 1:00pm, Friday at 1:00pm; and Youth day is Saturday, starting at 10:00am- Rev Webberburn is Preaching for the Youth Service. 

See the flier, below for further details. 
Keep Sis Gloria Dickens in your prayers, and all of our Church Mother's and Older Brothers as well.  
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Worship Service Excerpt
Pastor Dwight Cockerham preaching the Word of God!
Summer Revival 2021
Wednesday, July 7 - Friday July 9
Click on the preaching video below to be directed to the message
and then
Click on the song video for the song that corresponds the message.
Abundant Blessings to you and your loved ones!
#BeFearless <3
July 4, 2021


Remember, Bible study every Wednesday at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

Worship is in the main sanctuary,  or outside at the Pavilion- each Sunday at 11:00am. 

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Mt T Praise in the park ReschedulED
June 23, 2021
Minister Travis Ephriam Shares Message on Wednesday Night
An Amazing Feat
Matthew 14:22-26
June  20, 2021
Pastor Cockerham Preaching - Full Audio
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Clips of Men's Devotion, Pastor Cockerham Preaching, and Minister D'Leisha's Rhema Word
June  13, 2021                                              
 Deaconess's Ministry Leading in Devotional and Minister Travis Ephriam Preaching
Bonus Material
End Times Seminar Information
June 7, 8, 9, 2021

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June 6, 2021
Minister Noris Calhoun Reading the Word of God and Pastor Cockerham Preaching
Don't Just walk it, talk it!
2021 Revival Flier.jpg
May  26, 2021

Pastor Cockerham Teaching

a Lesson on Modesty

at Wednesday Evening's Bible Study

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Remember, Bible study every Wednesday at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. 

Worship is in the main sanctuary,  or outside at the Pavilion- each Sunday at 11:00am. 

Our church business meeting will be held on Thursday, June 3, at 6:00pm in the fellowship hall.

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May  23, 2021

Minister D'Leisha Ephriam Preaching

"Be Ready in the Morning"

Exodus 33:12-23; 34:1-7, Psalm 30:4-5

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Remember, Bible study every Wednesday at 5:00pm in the Fellowship hall. 

Worship is in the main sanctuary, each Sunday at 11:00am. 

End Times.png
April 25, 2021

Minister Martha Curry Preaching

April 25, 2021


1.  Please join the church conference call on Thursday, May 6 at 7:00 p.m.
Special subject of interest: The vision for the Mt Tabor Property at Blue Springs. 

Dial in: 701-803-5202, access code 106 8007


Conference Call Etiquette
1.  Don't announce yourself if you join the call after it has started. 
2. If you have a bad connection, choose not to speak until  you have a strong signal
3.  Mute yourself anytime you are not speaking.
4. Every time you speak, identify yourself, so we will know who you are.
5. Don't talk when other people are talking.


2. Monthly church business meeting, Friday, April 29, 2021, 5pm.


3.  Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers and those who will be mothers soon- Mother's Day is Sunday May 8th.  


4. Pastor and Lady's Anniversary is May 12. This year, they will be married for 42 years- take a moment to wish them a Happy Anniversary!. 


5. This year, we'll Celebrate May 20th as a church family! Festivities on May 22nd from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. food fun fellowship at the Mt Tabor Church Pavilion!

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Mt T Praise in the park - Made with Post
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April 18, 2021

Pastor Cockerham Preaching 
Thursday Night of the Seminary Revival

at the Second West Missionary Baptist Church Association Building 

April 11, 2021

Pastor Cockerham Teaching

The Boyd's Sunday School Lesson on Wednesday's Evening's Bible Study

April 4, 2021

Associate Minister Gwendolyn Roulhac Preaching 

to Encourage the People of God to Unify!

March 28, 2021

Pastor Dwight Cockerham Preaching

for the State Convention of the Missionary Baptist Association

at the Second West Missionary Baptist Association Building

March 21, 2021

Pastor Dwight Cockerham Preaching

Associate Pastor Travis Ephriam Preaching

March 14, 2021




Remember, Bible study every Wednesday at 5:00pm in the Fellowship hall. 


Worship is pressing forward in the main sanctuary, each Sunday at 11:00am. 




1. Deacon/ Pastor meeting will beheld on Thursday March 25th, at 6:00pm. The church is still receiving bids for lawn/ cemetery care- be sure to submit a bid if interested.   
2. We are working to start worshipping in the sanctuary again and need volunteers:
-  To assist in pre-worship sanitization of the sanctuary 
-  To greet and welcome everyone as they come to worship
-  To assist in post-worship sanitization of the sanctuary
Men are welcome to volunteer for this task.

3. Our continuing clean- up of the Fellowship Hall and storage areas is set for Thursday morning April 1, 9:00 until noon. (We apologize for the previous cleanup day cancellation.)
4. We study our Sunday school lesson together, every Wednesday night at 5:00. 
5. Church business meeting will be held on Thursday night, April 1st at 6:00. 
6. Everyone, please bring one dozen or more hard-boiled, colored eggs for our Easter Basket on Easter Sunday. 
7. Men, please wear white on Easter Sunday!

February 28, 2021


Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:00pm and Worship Sunday at 11:00am. 

Also, remember to keep the bereaved families in your prayers in this season!


February 22, 2021


Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:00pm and Worship Sunday at 11:00am. 


Please note that Mt Tabor MBC is seeking a grounds keeper to keep the grass cut, the yard and graveyard cut and well taken care of. Proposals being accepted until the end of March.   Please see Pastor Cockerham or one of our Deacons to apply.

Also, remember to keep the bereaved families in your prayers in this season!

Feburary 14, 2021


Take an extra moment to love on your family, friends, and church family today!

Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:00pm and Worship Sunday at 11:00am. 

February 7, 2021


Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:00pm and Worship Sunday at 11:00am. 


Pastor Cockerham's birthday was Wednesday. He sends a BIG thank you to everyone who came to Bible Study and shared a blessing.

January 10, 2021


Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:00pm and Worship Sunday at 11:00am. 

January 3, 2021


Church Business Meeting: January 21, 4pm.

Bible Study on Wednesday at 6:00pm and Worship Sunday at 11:00am. 

December 27, 2020


Church Conference Meeting has been scheduled for the following dates and times: 

Deacon Board: January 14, 2021, 4pm. and Business Meeting: January 21, 4pm.


Remember that Mt Tabor will not host Watch Night Service- it will be via phone/ conference call and zoom on Thursday, December 31st, 2020, at the Second West Association Church at 10:30 p.m., with the Reverend Freddy Roulhac delivering the Word. If you'd like to attend, please ask a member of the Ministry Team for details.

December 20, 2020


Reminders- Bible study is on Wednesday evening at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. at the Pavillion.


Church Conference Meeting has been placed on hold for the upcoming week. The revised date will be announced soon. 


The Barnes and Bush Families extend their appreciation to the Mount Tabor church family for their love and kindness expressed after the passing of their loved one.


Please know that Mt Tabor will not host Watch Night Service- it will be via phone/ conference call and zoom on Thursday, December 31st, at the Second West Association Church at 10:30 p.m., with the Reverend Freddy Roulhac delivering the Word. If you'd like to attend, please ask a member of the Ministry Team for details.

December 6, 2020
December 13, 2020
Pastor Cockerham preaches sermon titled: Against All Odds
Against All OddsPastor Dwight Cockerham
00:00 / 31:03


No Bible Study on Wednesday, December 24th.  Celebrate our Savior's birth - thank God for Jesus!


We have worship every Sunday at 11:00am, instead of 10:00am- either in the fellowship hall or at the recreational center across the street, depending upon the weather. 


Bible Study is now at 5pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall or breezeway. We have been studying our Sunday School Lessons during this time interval.  If you need a book, be sure to pick one up!


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  show them some love! 

August 9, 2020
Pastor Cockerham Preaches About the Fear of God


We have worship every Sunday now- either in the fellowship hall or at the recreational center across the street.


Bible Study will continue to be at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall or breezeway. We have been studying our Sunday School Lessons during this time interval.  If you need a book, be sure to pick one up!


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  show them some love!  


We decree and declare safety, health, and prosperity over your life and the lives of your family members, in Jesus name! - Amen!

August 2, 2020
Pastor Cockerham Shares a Word About Persuing a Project for God
July 25, 2020
Minister D'Leisha Ephriam Shares a Word About Loving Submission 


Stay tuned, we will be changing our worship service schedule soon!


Bible Study will continue to be at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall or breezeway.

We have been studying our Sunday School Lessons during this time interval.

If you need a book, stop b the office and pick one up!


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  show them some love- call them to check in. Among the bereaved families are the Williams Family, and Pastor Cockerham (and his family), whose Aunt, Sis. Bernestine Collins died recently. 


We decree and declare safety, health, and prosperity over your life and the lives of your family members, in Jesus name! - Amen!

July 19, 2020
Minister Norris Calhoun Shares a Word about Speaking the Word of God Aloud



Until further notice, we will have outside service at 10am every first and third Sunday.


Bible Study will continue to be at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall or breezeway.


There is a Deacon Board meting on Thursday at 6pm, here at the church. 


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  show them some love- call them to check in.


We decree and declare safety, health, and prosperity over your life and the lives of your family members, in Jesus name! - Amen!

July 12, 2020
Pastor Cockerham Shares a Lesson on Wisdom,
Here's an Excerpt: 


Until further notice, we will have outside service at 10am every first and third Sunday.


Bible Study will continue to be at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall or breezeway.


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  show them some love- call them to check in.


We decree and declare safety, health, and prosperity over your life and the lives of your family members, in Jesus name! - Amen!

Tuesday, July 7 - Friday, July 10
Summer Revival 2020
Click on the preaching video below to be directed to the message
and then
Click on the song video for the song that corresponds the message.
Abundant Blessings to you and your loved ones!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
A Word from Pastor Dwight Cockerham - This Week's Sunday School Lesson


Until further notice, we will have outside service at 10:00am every first and third Sunday.


Bible Study will continue to be at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall.


Our Summer Revival will be held here online, with 4 messages posted on this page Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.


Sunday at 10:00am, we will have a Youth Ministry Zoom Call, parents, please have your young ones ready to call in, our First Lady has a special word to share!


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  show  them some love- call them to check in.


We decree and declare safety, health, and prosperity over your life and the lives of your family members, in Jesus name! - Amen!

Sunday, June 21, 2020
A Word from Pastor Dwight Cockerham - Father's Day 2020


Bible Study is at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall.  


After this Sunday's Message, we will start to meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:00am, for Worship Services.


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers-  some  them some love. 


We decree and declare safety, health, and prosperity over your life and the lives of your family members, in Jesus name! - Amen!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Today's Note From the Pastor's Desk


Be Encouraged!

Be Persistant in Prayer.

Peaceful and Patient.

Post your opinion at the Poles - Go vote!


Next Sunday is Father's Day- the third Sunday, June 21st. On this day, we will have outdoor worship service, across the street at the Mt Tabor MBC Recreational Center.  Come on out and share in this special service for our Father's.


Bible Study is at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall.  

Thursday at 6pm, we will have a Deacon and Pastor meeting. 


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers. 

Also, if you can, give them a call and show some love. 


Our prayer is that you and your family be safe and prosperous, remembering that God is ever with all of us.

Blessings Overflowing! 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

The Message above was recorded at the Mt Tabor Missionary Baptist Church campus Fellowship Hall.

Please remember that we will not worship together next Sunday, but will

reconvene in a single place on Father's Day!

Bible Study is Wednesday evening in the fellowship hall, at 6:00.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

Notes From the Pastor


The message above is the message that I delivered  for the Fifth Sunday Congress at the Second West Missionary Baptist Church Building. I hope that it blesses your spirit immensely.

Our next service will be our Communion Service on the first Sunday, June 7th at 11:00am

And also Father's Day- the third Sunday, June 21st at 11:00am. On these two Sundays, we will have outdoor worship service, across the street at the Mt Tabor MBC Recreational Center.  Come on out and share in these special services.


Bible Study is at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall.  


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers. 

Also, if you can, give them a call and show some love. 


May you and your family be safe and prosperous, even at this time, as God is our sustainer and keeper.

Blessings of health to you and yours! 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

Notes From the Pastor

There will be no Fifth Sunday Congress this month. Please adjust your schedule accordingly. 
We will continue to have our Sunday messages here on our website for the next month, except for two Sundays in June. 


Our next Communion Service on the first Sunday, June 7th at 11:00am
And also Father's Day- the third Sunday, June 21st at 11:00am. On these two Sundays, we will have outdoor worship service, across the street at the Mt Tabor MBC Recreational Center.  Come on out and share in these special services.


​Bible Study is at 6pm, each Wednesday, in the church fellowship hall.  

Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers. 
Also, if you can, give them a call and show some love. 


May you and your family be safe and prosperous, even at this time, as God is our sustainer and keeper.

Blessings of health to you and yours! 


​Read this special note from Our Youth Department Leadership
- Clerk Sis Moody, Sister D'Leisha Ephriam, and Lady Daisy Cockerham: 

Greetings Youth of Mt. Tabor!
Please join us for a Zoom Chat on Thursday, May 28th at 6:00pm.
A follow-up text message will also be sent out with information on how to join the chat.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday as we unite at a distance!!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

Notes From the Pastor

We will continue to have our Sunday messages here on our website for the next month, except for two Sundays in June.

Our next communion on the first Sunday, June 7th at 11:00am and also Father's Day- the third Sunday, June 21st at 11:00am. On this day, we will have another outdoor worship service, across the street at the Mt Tabor MBC Recreational Center.  Come on out and share in this special service for our fathers!


Bible Study is at 6pm, each Wednesday.  


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers. 

Also, if you can, give them a call and show some love. 


May you and your family be safe and prosperous, even at this time, as God is our sustainer and keeper.

Blessings and health! 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

Sunday, May 3, 2020

A Message From the One of Our Ministry Staff Members and Church Brothers
Minister Travis Ephriam

Notes From the Pastor

We will have our Sunday messages here on our website until Father's Day, but Bible Study still at 6pm, each Wednesday.  


Please remember to keep all of the bereaved families and sick and shut in in your prayers. 


May you and your family be safe and prosperous, even in this season, as God is our keeper.

Blessings and health!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Note From the Pastor

Remember that plans are underway for our Mother's Day Service at the Mt Tabor Church Recreational Facility, just across the street. See the announcement below for further details. 


Also remember to keep all of the bereaved families in your prayers. 


May you and your family be safe and prosperous, even in this season, as God is our keeper.

Blessings and health!

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

From the Pastor

Plans are underway for a Mother's Day Service at the Mt Tabor Church Recreational Facility, just across the street. The service will be held from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on Sunday, May 10, 2020.  Please plan to attend- this is an outdoor service following the US Guidelines for COVID-19. Everyone is Welcome!


Please also see past announcements below, as they apply. 
Blessings and health!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

A Note From The Pastor’s Desk
Mark 9:8

The KJV interpretation of our text “c clause” concludes “Jesus Only” was with His disciples.  Let's reverse the KVJ to say “Only Jesus”.


Great encouragements can be gleaned from these two words.  Whether we use the KJV or a reversed use of these two words, when we examine our text scripture as well as the surrounding context of scriptures, “Only

Jesus” is the object of so much before us.


Prior to our text chapter and verse, Mark 9:8 it is Only Jesus who instructs His followers to deny self, take up their cross, and follow Him (Mark 8:34).  ONLY JESUS speaks to them of a saved life that consists of losing a lifestyle to gain A Gospel Lifestyle (Mark 8:35). ONLY JESUS encourages his followers to not be ashamed to share Him and His Words (Mark 8:38). And  ONLY JESUS encourages His followers to not be ashamed to share Him and His Words (Mark 8:28).


Furthermore, ONLY JESUS shined exceedingly white as snow while conversing with Elijah and Moses. God bearing witness to ONLY JESUS as His beloved son in whom He is well-pleased (Mark 9:7).


These references to ONLY JESUS speak volumes to Jesus alone being our

Strength and Security in these most recent events. 


Has left us precious promises: 
- I will not leave you comfortless - John 14:8
- Be of good cheer - John 16:33
- Let not your hearts be troubled - John 14:1
- I am come that you may have life and have life more abundantly - John 10:10



Born of the Virgin Mary 
Lived among us
Crucified on a cross
Resurrected the third day morning 


-Pastor Cockerham

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Message From Pastor Dwight Cockerham

Announcements/ Updates

1. The Easter Communion Service with New Hope Missionary Baptist Church has been cancelled. 


The Mt Tabor Missionary Baptist Church sanctuary will be open on Easter Sunday at 10:30 am until 12:00 noon for individual prayer and/ or communion. All social dictates will be followed as close as possible: 

a). Social Distancing- 6 feet

b). Germ disinfecting

c). Please use masks and gloves if you desire

2. Bible Study will resume this Wednesday at 6pm, for those who desire to attend- social distancing measures do apply. 


3. Let us pray for Sis. Gehazel Sim's family, as some of her family members were recently involved in an accident.


4. Please mail financial honorariums to: 

Mt Tabor MBC

C/O Deacon Board

3695 Poplar Springs 

Marianna, Florida 32446


Give to a member of the Deacon Board- no cash, please. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Note From the Pastor
1. We received a note so I wanted to share it with everyone:
To Rev Cockerham and Mt Tabor MBC: Thank you for thinking of my mom, Sister Nellie Speights and thank you for the generous gift.
Love, Dianne
2. We regret to announce the loss of our member, Sister Nettie Barnes, a member of our church. Funeral Services are pending.
3. Please see also, last week's announcements. 
4. Blessings and health!
Note From the Pastor
1. On Wednesday, the Pastor and the men agreed to suspend our large group meetings- Ministry Meetings, Church Conference, Bible Study, Sunday School, and Morning Worship temporarily.
2. On the 1st Sunday in April, from 9:30am - 11:00am, we will open the church doors for small groups for prayer, meditation, and honorariums. *Necessary precautions are being implemented to make this possible. 

3. If the Lord say so... 
The men of the church and I will meet again on April 8th at 5pm to discuss any issues and make resolutions. 


4. The church website will be our means for Worship Resources please return to this website for worship information and updates.


5. Let's use our phones to check on our seniors and neighbors.


6. Moderator Henderson/ 1st Vice Farmer and 2nd Vice have also cancelled the Fifth Sunday Congress for this month. 

7. Pastor Farmer, Dean Wilson, and I are prayerfully hoping all is better by and planning for Easter Worship Service.
8. I recommend that you read Isaiah, chapters 24, 25, 26,  in light of the reported Coronavirus Pandemic.

© 2024 by Mt Tabor Missionary Baptist Church

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