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April 2022 Worship, Teaching, Sunday School, Church Announcements, and notes

Bible Study/ Sunday School Lesson

Minister D'Leisha Ephriam, Teaching

Sunday Worship Service

Pastor Cockerham, Preaching


Our Bereaved Families

We continue to pray for the families in our church family who have had members to leave this world. We carry their memories in our hearts, even now and pray that God continue to comfort those who remain.


Our Hospitality Committee prepared a delicious meal for all to share on Easter Sunday and our deacons and youth department leadership ensured that we had a great time at our Easter Program and Easter Egg Hunt.

Wednesday Night

Sunday School is now our mid-week service at 5:00pm. The lessons have been taught by our ministry staff, on rotation, but if you 'd like to teach, please inquire with the Pastor or Minister Noris Calhoun.

Choir and Ushers for our 11:00am services

All volunteer choir- people from various choirs come together to form one choir.

All ushers, please volunteer and rotate, as we need at least 2 volunteers each Sunday.

Minister Baker is taking care of his mother, so alternative music ministers will help us with music- in tandem with the Music Ministery Team.


Deacon/ Pastor Meeting will be on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm.

Church Conference is on the last Thursday of the month at 6:00pm.


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