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December 2022 Notes, Services, & Announcements

Ministry Leaders All Ministry leaders are asked to submit the names of ‘Active’ Officers/members to any of our deacons by Christmas Sunday. Wednesday Night

Sunday School is now our mid-week service at 5:00pm. The lessons have been taught by our ministry staff, on rotation, and if you 'd like to teach, please inquire with the Pastor Cockerham or Minister Norris Calhoun. We have the following meetings on Wednesday, December 7th: Men's Meeting- 3pm Senior and Intermediate Women's Meeting: 4pm Sunday School- 5pm Tech Team Meeting- 6pm

We have adult and children Sunday School books available, pls see Pastor Cockerham, Minister Calhoun, or one of our Deacons for a book. Moreover, our new (Jan-Feb-Mar) books will be available soon. Parents, bring your children- the classrooms are open and available.

On December 21, our Bible Study will be cancelled, stay home and prepare for our Christmas Fellowship Dinner. Our Christmas Fellowship Dinner will be held on Friday, December 23rd at 4:00pm, cst. This is a formal event. Men, wear your tuxedos, ladies, wear your gowns.

Choir and Ushers for our 11:00am services

All volunteer choir- people from various choirs come together to form one choir.

All ushers, please volunteer and rotate, as we need at least 2 volunteers each Sunday.

Watch Night

Watch Night Service will be held on New Year’s Eve here at our church, at 10:00pm, est.

Poplar Springs, New Liberty Hill, and New Hope, and Mt Tabor Church Congregations will worship and fellowship together for this service.


Deacon/ Pastor Meeting will be on the last Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm.

Church Conference is on the last Thursday of the month at 6:00pm.

Our Bereaved Families

We continue to pray for the families in our church family who have had members to leave this world. We carry their memories in our hearts, even now and pray that God continue to comfort those who remain.

We are diligently seeking full-time musicians.

If you know someone who is qualified please share their name and contact information with Pastor Cockerham or any one of our Deacons.

Tech Support Supplies

Anyone interested in helping the Tech Team get the supplies that they need, feel free to reach out to the Pastor for more information about our Tech Team.

The Magnetism of Jesus (Preaching)

Pastor Cockerham

John 12:32

Also: Matthew 1 and 2

Watch Night Service

Worship Service and Pastor Nelson Wilson, Preaching

Minister D'Leisha Ephriam

Promises and Consequences

Pastor Deblasis DeRon Johnson

Preaching at Second West Church for 5th Sunday Congress

Psalm 37 It's Time to Get Yourself Together

Prayer Line We have a 24/7/365 prayer line available to anyone who needs prayer during these special times: 850-557-8511.


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